How Mai Vino is Reinventing Your Mom’s Boxed Wine
Boxed wine has come a long way since it was the go-to for cheap, low-quality wine you drank in college. Mai Vino is changing that perception by giving boxed wine a “clean” makeover. Embracing the adage, “It’s what’s on the inside that matters,” Mai Vino uses only natural ingredients. Unlike most boxed wines that use unnecessary additives, Mai Vino wines are made with organic grapes and fermented with wild yeast.
Why Boxed Wine Had a Bad Reputation
For years, people seeking budget-friendly options chose boxed wine. Boxed wines contain the equivalent of four bottles and are sold for about three dollars per bottle. Unfortunately, budget-friendly prices didn't cover the cost of producing top-notch wines. As a result, producers often had to fake it. They loaded boxed wines with fake flavors and unnatural ingredients, which gave them a reputation for being low-quality.
The Best Boxed Wines Are Handcrafted Wines Packaged in Boxes/Pouches
Today, the landscape of boxed wine has changed significantly. Quality-focused wineries now embrace the format, using high-quality grapes and expert winemaking techniques. In blind taste tests, sommeliers and customers have difficulty distinguishing between wine in a box and wine in a bottle. Let's be honest, the only difference between the wines is the packaging. That's why brands like Wineberry, From the Tank, and Mai Vino are becoming popular with wine lovers.
How Long Does Boxed Wine Last?
One of the most significant advantages of boxed wine is its extended shelf life after opening. Boxed wine can stay fresh for up to six weeks after opening. Glass bottles, on the other hand, must be consumed immediately after it is uncorked. That’s because the moment the bottle is opened, oxygen gets it and immediately starts oxidizing the wine. Boxed wine has a longer shelf life because it stores wine in a flexible vacuum-sealed bag. As the wine is poured, the bag collapses, preventing oxygen from seeping in and oxidizing the wine. This technology extends wine’s expiration date and makes boxed wine an excellent choice for casual drinkers who want to enjoy a glass of wine here and there.
What Makes Boxed Wine More Eco-Friendly?
While traditional glass bottles seem like the obvious eco-friendly packaging choice, they’re actually not. Today, only 30% of glass is recycled, and the rest is sent to the landfill. The amount of energy required to produce, ship, package, and store the bottles is enormous. Boxed/bagged wine, on the other hand, requires less energy to produce and transport, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint.
How Mai Vino is Reinventing Your Mom’s Boxed Wine
All-Natural Ingredients
Mai Vino takes boxed wine to a new level using all-natural ingredients. By sourcing grapes from certified organic vineyards, Mai Vino ensures its wines are free from pesticides and herbicides.
Natural Wine Making
Mai Vino embraces natural winemaking by fermenting wine with wild yeast native to the vineyard. Conventional winemaking, on the other hand, uses industrial yeast, artificial coloring, or flavor enhancers. These unnecessary additives mask the lack of flavor in the wine and make it more flavored wine juice than wine.
Reducing Waste
Mai Vino also tackles the issue of waste head-on. Not only does our packaging extend wine’s expiration date, but it also reduces wine’s carbon footprint by 80%. We reduce the amount of packaging material needed by liberating the bag from the box. This innovative approach makes the wine more portable and easy to throw into a cooler.
Mai Vino is redefining what it means to drink boxed wine. By focusing on organic ingredients, natural fermentation, and sustainable packaging, we are proving that boxed wine/pouch wine can be both high-quality and environmentally responsible. Say goodbye to the stigma of cheap boxed wine and hello to a new era of handcrafted, eco-friendly wines in a bag.